Entries by Rick Gregson

Leadership, Ownership, and the Technical SME Role

So what’s an SME? An SME is a Subject Matter Expert. This label applies to a person with a very narrow focus of expertise, a niche. Some folks at Microsoft used to describe this as “inch-wide, mile-deep.” The opposite would be more of a generalist, i.e. “mile-wide, inch-deep.” For years, I’ve been identified as an […]

Make-A-Wish South Carolina Strikes Again!

Convergent Technologies is excited to announce that Make-A-Wish South Carolina  has been able to grant yet another wish locally in our community. We enjoy hearing that the organization we adore and know so well is able to grant these life changing wishes to kids with critical illnesses. Jenna, a 10-year old little girl, was able […]

Palms Up or Palms Down

So, I was attending a yoga class at a local studio; the class was intended for stress management. In preparation for the last meditation, the instructor told us to lie on our backs, place our arms on the floor at a slight angle from our bodies, and then rest our hands either palms up or […]

Pride and Prejudice

“Pride and Prejudice”, will be held at The Warehouse Theatre starting this evening through the end of the month. This play, sponsored by Jackie and John Warner, will be held weekly: Sunday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. As a proud sponsor of The Warehouse Theatre, we’re excited to see the action come to life on […]

Upcoming Events

Hope everyone is have a happy Friday eve! Today has been very productive in hopes of getting ready for the weekend. Running a website and social media platforms through the week means coming up with intriguing topics for your audience to participate in. Rarely, on days like today, lil ole’ me has nothing to say. […]

Behind the Screens

Hello, everyone. My name is Alleigh Gregson, and this summer, I’ll be one of the faces behind the screens at Convergent Technology. If my last name sounds familiar, that’s because I share it with my father, Rick Gregson, the founder of the company. Since becoming his marketing intern, I’ve been able to give dear old […]

How to: Active Directory Migration Discovery

So I’ve mentioned this in several posts now.. A well-planned migration comes in phases: Discovery End-User Compute Applications and Services Cleanup & Closure So what does a migration discovery actually consist of? What level of privilege should I request in the environments? These are some of the more common questions I’ve been asked. For my […]


A lot of people think it’s hilarious that a guy who owns a technology company could be anything less than adept with social media. While my medium is computers—and I like to think I’m a gregarious guy, connecting with others and dealing with data have traditionally been separate functions. I’m certainly aware of the necessity […]


So, I’ve arrived—Day 5 in Austin, and damn, these days are flying by! Observations: It’s hot. And humid. And has lots of tourists here in the SoCo area where I’m staying. I’m trying to get out and explore on a daily, partly because my Airbnb host hardly runs her A/C and mostly because my intention […]

Wishes in Bloom 2019

Convergent Technologies is proud to say that Make-A-Wish South Carolina brought in the summer in such a beautiful way by hosting Wishes in Bloom  at the Magnolia Plantations & Gardens. As sponsor, we love to brag on this organization for the joy they bring into our community by granting life changing wishes to children battling […]